
Monday, October 27, 2014

Fun Stuff I Did This Weekend

When most people talk about "fun stuff they did this weekend," they usually mean things like going for a walk, having a party, going to a movie, etc. Right? Well, when I do fun stuff it usually means sewing or creating in some way. I guess you know that about me by now.

I did a bunch of sewing of Half Square Triangles. I got pretty excited/distracted with these crazy things. I was working on a plan to get other people involved... but as I worked on these four blocks, which contain 16 HSTs per block, I realized it was not realistic to expect other people to do that many triangles. (Knowing, as I do, that some quilters dislike triangles, I had to change my plans..although personally I don't see how one can make many quilts without doing triangles!) Anyway, I got these four blocks made, and now I shall contemplate what to do with them. This is the way I roll: make something and THEN plan.

the pattern is Depression Block; I found it at quilterscache

I am also working on assembling a quilt that is just squares. I got the squares free. It's kind of boring to assemble, so I interrupted myself to fly off into Triangle Land. The squares-top is about half done, so no picture yet.

Last, I did some ice-dyeing. I did a session recently in which I was very disappointed with my colors, so I was eager to have another go at it. This time my colors are much prettier. I think it may be time to add a few dyes to my collection as I feel I have so few color options.

These are baby onesies and kid-size tops. The bigger top is an adult size Small. Not sure what I'll do with these yet, but one or two of them may show up in the silent auction we are going to do at work.

I'm reading a good book, too, but didn't find enough time to devote to my book today. Wish I could add a few hours to my days!


  1. I love your way of living Carol... just start making something and THEN plan!

  2. I love your way of living Carol... just start making something and THEN plan!

  3. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Love the Depression Block; only trouble is that I never seem to have enough neutral/light scraps. Working on the collection.

  4. Love those scrappy hst blocks!!!!!!!

  5. knitnkwilt: I went to a quilt store that has a cupboard of fat 1/8s. They actually have all kinds of little scraps which they sell individually. I got a 5" square for 25 cents and various other small pieces from which I could make some lights for my HSTs. I am sure I have enough lights here, but I like to get a bigger variety.. anyway, it's an option, if you can find a place that sells scraps.


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