
Saturday, September 06, 2014

Quilt Photography Here and There

Today I convened a Study in Quilts: Photographing Quilts in Nature.

Well.. it wasn't much of a study, and it was only one quilt. Husband and I drove around to some random spots not far from home, looking for fun places to photograph my quilt. This was inspired by Quiltdivajulie who recently photographed quilts of hers in some very unique places. I thought that was a great idea. Since we live not far from the Mississippi River, I decided to go in that direction and see what we could find.

Quilt at Home

Quilt on Fence (historic community near our home)

Quilt on Hammock, Quilt on Swing

Quilt on Old House - Edition 1,2,3,4 (doesn't this sound fancy??) haha.. these are historic buildings from the 1830s - before Minnesota was a state)

Quilt on Balcony (do you see the Fair Maiden?)

The Quilt Princess

Quilt at River

Quilt at Jail (it's an old one-room jail built in 1915)

Quilt on Dock

Quilt Under Willow Tree

This is the most-photographed quilt I own! (Its design was inspired by a crossword puzzle in the newspaper.)

Oh, look -- a spider web!


  1. Anonymous8:19 PM

    What a fun post! Love the photos!

  2. Thanks, Gram! I had fun taking the photos.

  3. This just made me smile, love all the pictures of your neighborhood! the quilt is beautiful that blue just makes it sing!

  4. So glad you and DH and that great quilt went on an adventure! Those pics will make you smile again and again! Fun!

  5. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Quite the excursion! I love the way the dock shadow follows the line of squares. Quite a few great shots!

  6. knk: I had not noticed how the shadows follow the squares. You're right! That is cool.

  7. What a great quilt! It looks like it had fun visiting all those places!


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