
Friday, August 01, 2014

Friday Books: I'm Not Done!

I'm disappointed to report that I am not done reading my current book, The Orenda by Joseph Boyden. I'll tell you all about it next week.

Today instead of a book report I'll share a few recent book-related photographs I have collected (and one surprise).

(1) Bookmarks I made for some members of a traveling journal.

(2) Reading in Chicago

(3) Reading in Washington

(4) Surprise! This is unrelated to reading, but I had to share this one. It's my friend's granddaughter. I am captivated by the pure joy in this photo!

Wishing you this much joy for today and the whole month of August!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Isn't the giraffe just perfect for your bookmarks?! Cute. And I'm with you on the pure joy of that cute baby. Sweet photo.


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