
Saturday, August 23, 2014

Back to Normal, if You Can Call Me Normal

Back to normal for me means I am sewing quilt tops rather than quilting them. My desire to quilt left me as suddenly and mysteriously as it had appeared. Now I just want to play, which for me means create tops using blocks other people have sent me or using all my own fabrics and ideas. I love this the best!

First photo below is a top I made from blocks my sister sent. This will go to Wrap a Smile
Second photo, above, is some batiks I won when I participated in the Hands 2 Help Challenge this spring. I just sewed them together in the order they were stacked in the pile... wanted to see how that would look, and it was fun to be "daring" like that. This will also go to Wrap a Smile.

Third photo is made using my local guild's community service blocks. We are busy making these for quilts that will go to various places. We have a list of charities and will send the quilts to whichever suits our fancy at the time.

Here is a quilt that is in progress on my design wall, made from blocks that other people have given me:

Then I needed a change of pace. This fabric was a gift to me from my friend, S., who bought it in Paris, France. I have had it for over a year and decided to finally use it. I made and quilted this table runner, but ran out of fabric appropriate for the binding. I am hoping I can find a good color match somewhere around here. I'm looking for the dark green which is kind of a bluish green.
I bet you are wondering what colors this table runner really contains! The fabrics look so different in these two photos, and it's the same piece, photographed about 30 seconds apart in time. Funny.

I also worked on some crumb blocks last night and have a pile of 45 of them. I have a plan in mind for these but am not revealing what it is. It's just a minor secret for a brief amount of time.

Now is the time to confess that I have had all this sewing time to myself because I didn't have to work for a couple days, and my volunteer stint was cancelled this week. Also, hubby was out of town, so I could keep whatever hours I wanted. I usually stayed up until about 2:00 AM each night. Crazy, I know, but blame my circadian pattern (that little birdie that lives inside me, telling me when to sleep and when to wake up). Hubby is back home today.

I had this plan to clean the house from top to bottom while he was away, but I didn't do it. Why would I clean when I had all that uninterrupted sewing time at my disposal??

Cleaning is overrated.

I'm glad to have hubby back home.

1 comment:

  1. Amen sister on the cleaning! although I'm taking advantage of a cool day to clean/organize my sewing space.


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