
Thursday, July 24, 2014

Vancouver is Waiting

I am still sorting through and organizing my photos from our trip to Vancouver, so I'm not ready to post them yet, as I had promised in Tuesday's post. Instead I am showing you two quilts. I believe I neglected to show this asterisk quilt here at my blog. It is a quilt top I made years ago... except for the outer border. That I did recently. And then I had it quilted professionally and finally got it bound and done in June, I think it was. These are blocks I won in a block lotto four years ago! I didn't know it was THAT old, but the block lotto organizer looked it up. Wow!

I still have several UFOs, but not nearly the mountain I used to have. I am gradually working my way through them. Speaking of mountains, here is a little kid quilt that I made for Wrap a Smile. KR in California quilted it for me, and it'll go soon to some child having cleft lip surgery. The pattern is Delectable Mountains. I really like how it turned out.

Back to sorting those Vancouver photos. You'll see them soon, after tomorrow's Friday Books. Thanks for stopping by!

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