
Sunday, June 01, 2014

Hands2Help Challenge Quilts

The 2014 challenge has come to an end, and I am ready to show you my completed quilts! This first one was sent to (and already received by) Quilts of Compassion and will go to a survivor of a devastating tornado.

The second one is completed just in time. This quilt is going to Happy Chemo, to a cancer patient. A friend offered to machine quilt it for me, for free! She herself is a cancer survivor and said this would be her gift to another person struggling through cancer. I love how this one turned out. It was an unknown when I started. The block is one I made up and named "Minnesota Nice." I had never made a whole quilt out of it, so it was fun to see how the pattern played with itself. It'll soon be on its way to Happy Chemo.

And that's the end of the 2014 Hands2Help Challenge. I look forward to it again in the spring of 2015. Go here to see other blog posts with pictures of their lovely, completed challenge quilts.


  1. Both quilts are beautiful. They will bring lots of comfort and many quilty hugs.

  2. Both quilts are beautiful. They will bring lots of comfort and many quilty hugs.

  3. wonderful quilts I'm sure whoever gets them will love them

  4. Great quilts, both of them! Now I really want to know how to make a Minnesota Nice block. Maybe you could do a tute sometime? :)

  5. Love both of these quilts. So nice of your friend to join in with the quilting. Your block is beautiful.

  6. Lovely quilts, Carol. It's always nice to keep up with your work!

  7. Both of these quilts are just wonderful, Carol! Sure to make their new owners feel loved. Thanks so much for participating in the Challenge!!

  8. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Great quilts, both of them. Nice and huggy. Love the quilting on the green one, thanks for the close-up.

  9. both of them are wonderful, but I"m a bit partial to green and I adore the last one. Love the quilting on it too.

  10. Both are so pretty. Your Minnesota Nice looks a little like a Triple Irish Chain with a twist! I love it and the colors. :)


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