
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Short Jaunt in Minnesota

I went to visit my mom. She's doing pretty well, but getting weaker as she ages. She is considering moving into assisted living! We thought she might veto that option, but she seems open to it. What a relief! It'll be a job, selling her condo and getting her moved, but I think it's worth doing.

While I was in town, I took a couple pictures of places from my childhood. This is the building in which I attended junior high school. Guess what it is now -- it's the sheriff's office and a jail! I find that humorous. I can remember taking 7th grade math in one of those rooms that faces the street, and junior high angst happening in many different hallways and classrooms. Uffda. You couldn't pay me to be that age again.

This shows the construction mess happening on main street, right through downtown! ugh. Those businesses are going to be hurting. That includes my sister's bookstore which is in the 2nd picture, first business you see on the left side in the photo. I did my duty while there and purchased a pile of books. (What fun!)

And here's my quilty touch for today -- a photo of a gorgeous quilt my sister made. It is hanging in her bookstore. The picture does not do it justice. The colors are awesome, and the machine quilting enhances it perfectly. It's worth a trip to her bookstore just to see the quilt, and then heck.. buy a few books while you're at it! You have to fly in from another state or country? It's still worth the trip! Just step carefully around all the dirt and the construction mess.


  1. What a stunner of a quilt! Lucky you having a sister who owns a book store -heaven!!

  2. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Junior High School-Jail . . . perfect transition. That's so funny! Mighty pretty quilt, though.

  3. Anonymous9:32 AM

    I told Goodnight about the Jr. High/ Jail thing and she just snorted out laughter! When she calmed down she said, "How ironic!" and then just started laughing again.

  4. Regarding Mom's and moving into Assisted Living. We struggles with that decision and then realized she was lonely most of the timek living in her home. She was almost Thrilled to be with other folks at Assisted Living and she actually improved mentally for quite some time. We just never thought about her being lonesome at her home.

    Just my thought -- good luck with that decision.

  5. Ugh, terribly typos!!!


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