
Sunday, April 20, 2014

A Gift from Nigeria

A woman recently heard about the work that Wrap-a-Smile does. She loved the idea, but is not a quilter, so she couldn't help make Wrap-a-Smile quilts. She did travel to Nigeria recently, and instead of making quilts, she brought back a bunch of fabric purchased in Nigeria, for others to use in making quilts for kids.

I was lucky enough to be the recipient of two pieces of this fabric. I'll be contemplating the fabrics and studying my books and patterns to see what inspires me. I hope I do the fabrics justice! There are several of us all over the U.S. who received Nigerian fabrics. It'll be fun to see what we all create.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Oh what fun to see the fabrics from another country! I'm sure you will do something wonderful with them!


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