
Friday, February 07, 2014

Friday Books: Why I Love to Read

It's Friday, and I am not finished with my current book, so cannot review it yet (I'm loving it, though.. come back next week so I can tell you about it).

Instead of posting a book review, I looked for reasons why people love to read. This is what I found:
[from Confessions of a Book Addict]:
For company: when I read a book, the outside world becomes nothing but a blur of noises and movement in comparison to the story.

Adventure: "becoming" what is in the book fulfills my dreams of adventure.

Leisure: there is ALWAYS something to do if you’ve got a good book hanging around.

Suspense/excitement: a good story, well-told, can make your heart skip a beat, your skin crawl, or your senses just go "Wow!"

Passion: Reading for me isn’t just something that my eyes do, but it is something that all the senses of my body strive to understand, accept, and receive.

[from Seekers Portal at wordpress]:
Virtual travel: Reading allows me to go places I will never be, and to learn invaluable life lessons.

Keeps me fully awake and alive: Being a bibliophile is the only positive addiction I know so far; reading keeps my faith, hope and love alive.

My own reasons are similar to the above: learning, and keeping me fully alive. I learn so much through reading, and I can vicariously experience an endless, fascinating world. Reading stimulates my imagination and my curiosity, reinforces my loves and introduces me to new ones, and helps me solidify who I am and why.

There's a big, beautiful world out there that can be explored through books. Why do you love to read?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Reading is therapeutic for me. It helps to stop the constant churning of my brain and focus it on the story at hand. I love everything about reading. Searching for books, reading reviews, making lists of what I've read and what I'm going to read, and (of course) the act of reading itself.


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