
Friday, January 10, 2014

Friday Books: Lots of Excitement Over Books!

This is the second week in a row that I do not have a finished book to review! Scandalous!! I am reading two books that do not excite me. They are definitely not five-star books. I am determined to finish at least one of them, and will soon. Meanwhile, I found some other interesting articles about books that I will share with you.

First, I will tell you that, despite my having decided NOT to apply to be a book giver on World Book Night in 2014, I went ahead and applied at the very last minute. Last year I had a less-than-wonderful experience and just didn't feel excited about it this year. When a friend asked me a question about being a book giver, I went back to the World Book Night website and got excited. So I applied. This year, if they accept me, I plan to give away my books at a literacy center where new citizens of Minnesota are learning English, learning to read, and learning all about how to live in this very foreign land. I think they will be the perfect recipients and will enjoy getting a free book. I hope to connect with a teacher there, to make sure his/her class is just right for the book, and he/she can maybe even do a little prep work, explaining the program before I get there.

Now for the articles, here is one on the first-ever 3-D printed book cover! I suppose some day we will look back at this and laugh at how huge and heavy and awkward it is, not to mention expensive.

3-D book cover

The next article lists MORE wonderful-sounding books that the writer urges us to read. Oh, boy.. I need to live to be 300 years old to read everything I want to read, and that is just what has already been written, not counting what is to come between now and when I'm 300! What is a person to do?? I surely do love to read, but I love other things, too, and I can't read 24/7. Doing the best I can, as I know you are, also.

Yet another list of can't-miss books

Happy reading, everyone!

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