
Sunday, December 01, 2013

A Fun, Sew-y Weekend

Thanksgiving: fun and good food. We stayed home and had a quiet meal with Hubby's parents. After that I sewed and read. That's pretty much all I did. I felt inspired to sew, and I'm reading a good book. What could be better? Fun exudes out all my pores.

These blocks will be for the December Lotto at Sunshine. I plan to make more, at least until I use up all the green soccer fabric.
The quilt top is made from scraps sent to me by Joann. Borders will be added soon. I have made three tops from her scraps so far. I think I have another bag full of semi-assembled blocks to play with. She was prolific at one time, but unable to finish them. I am glad she shared with me. My feet are in the picture as my way of waving hello to you!

This is for the bathroom at church. I'm not sure, but I think one of my bathroom quilts was stolen.. or borrowed for a really long time, maybe? It seems to be missing, and no one knows where it has gone. Sad! This is for the empty space where my missing one once hung. It's not my fave, but it's OK for a quick replacement. I put that little bow on, but now I don't like it, so I plan to take the bow off. This quilt isn't going to look so great on that bright blue wall (see photo below). Maybe I should make something else....

Here's a photo of the missing quilt. If anyone sees this around the neighborhood, please let me know where it is! I miss this little pal that I created from my own little heart and brain. No pattern - it's a one-of-a-kind creation! Can you imagine stealing something that says "Faith, Hope and Love" on it?? I hope I'm wrong and it'll show up in some odd corner.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm, maybe should have said honesty on that quilt. Sad.


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