
Monday, October 28, 2013

Tops and Blocks and Things

Today I went through my projects and realized that I have seven eight quilt tops that need to be quilted. I'm trying not to get overwhelmed. Here are some photos of a few items.. only one of these is among the seven that I need to quilt. BTW, I recently passed post number 1500! Holy cow! I guess I'll wait to celebrate when I hit 2000.

made from Joann's orphan blocks

made from a variety of orphan blocks - mine and others' - I plan to donate this to a friend's church quilt program

doll blanket I finished today, then donated about 7 of them to a neighborhood aid agency

2.5-inch blocks made from tiny scraps; for a mini challenge at Bumble Beans 15 Minutes Play blog

pumpkin pies! they don't look so great, but they sure tasted good


  1. It's always fun to see how you use orphan blocks, and scraps! Nice work!

  2. It's fun to play with orphan blocks--they always go well together. And, yes, it's pumpkin pie season!

  3. Love the orphan block quilts!! the teeny tiny blocks are so cute, but SO little. WOW


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