I really really feel like sewing now! I made a few (ugly) Christmas ornaments for our church bazaar, and it got me into the sewing mood. Now I am busy for the next few days, and I can't fit in much sewing. I am so looking forward to having some time to just create whatever I want!
I did manage to make a few things for our church bazaar.. I already showed you the "traveling Barbie bed" (previous post), which sold before it even hit the display table.
Then I ice-dyed some onesies and socks.
Over the past year I also have been making doll blankets, and I had those for sale as well as a few miscellaneous hats and scarves:
The bazaar took place tonight during our annual turkey dinner and seems to have been a success. We'll try to sell leftovers after church on Sunday, and then I can start creating whatever I want again... just for fun, and to prepare for next year's bazaar.
How do you Ice Dye? I googled it today and found some ways. What kind of dye do you use? Do you use the chemicals I read about ( soda ash, synthrapol)? Or is there a really simple way of doing it?