
Saturday, October 12, 2013

Europe -- Days Five and Six

In the mid-afternoon of Day 5, we arrived by train in Munich. Our hotel was right across the street, so we didn't have to worry about transportation in a land whose language we don't speak.

After settling in, we went out to explore Munich. We were close to a major city square, Marienplatz. That's where we headed. We soon realized that we had arrived just in time for Oktober Fest. Lots of folks were all dressed up for whatever celebrations take place during the month.

At dinner time we happened upon a brats restauarant, where we enjoyed brats, potato salad, sauerkraut, and beer. Husband's taste buds were so happy. Without having asked him, I would guess this was his favorite meal of our whole trip.

After dinner we continued wandering a bit, looking for a quilt shop I had read about online. We found it! It was closed, of course, but we knew where to go in the morning before leaving town.

On Day Six, we slept in, then went back to shop at the quilt store. I had fun spending some birthday money there, while Peter waited outside. Then we moseyed back to the train station, and managed to get on an earlier train. This was good, because our original itinerary gave us very little time to find the next train to Paris. This change turned out to be a very good thing, and eliminated our worries about how to make it work.

a nice young lady at a store something like "Whole Foods" where we bought our lunch

This bottled Limette was fabulous!! I hope we'll be able to find it somewhere here in the U.S. Does it look familiar to any reader?

French countryside from the train; we arrived in Paris on the evening of our Sixth Day, where we stayed with friends from home who are temporarily living in Paris.


  1. I have really enjoyed the beautiful pictures and your descriptions of the once in a lifetime kind of trip you and your husband had, thanks.

  2. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Munich at Oktoberfest? What a wnderful thing to do! I didn't know your drank beer. I am enjoying your photos.

  3. Thank you, Geri. And Goodnightgram, I don't drink beer. Just thought I'd try it "when in Rome" as they say.


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