
Friday, September 27, 2013

Friday Books: Review from Across the Pond

By the time this review is posted, and you read it, Husband and I will be waving back at the USA from Prague, Czech Republic! I never dreamed I'd get there, but we are off on an adventure, and having a blast anticipating it. (I am writing this review a couple hours before going to the airport to start our trip.)

I just finished reading The Twelve Tribes of Hattie by Ayana Mathis. This is an excellent book. I loved it and loved Hattie, a character who on the surface seems hard to love. She appears to be strict, a little mean, and far from tender with her children. But inside, she loves them dearly and does what she does in order to keep them alive and thriving. She also is dealing with a difficult life of her own, and growing to adulthood during the migration of African American families from the South to the North.

Each chapter is a different year and focuses on different characters. The first chapter is Hattie and her twins in the early 1920s. Then each chapter works through the years until the last chapter, 1980, which focuses on Hattie's granddaughter.

The stories, characters, and flow of the story will grab you; you may even have trouble putting this one down. I give it 4.5 stars.

Stay tuned, and I'll soon return home with stories of our adventures -- maybe some great bookstores -- in Europe!

1 comment:

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