
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A Bookshelf for My Sister ... no, for Me

For several years I saved fabric selvedge pieces that had names and designers that sounded like they could be book titles. Examples: "Garden Tales" by Tracie Lyn Huskamp; "Annalee" by Jane Dixon.

My plan all along was to make a quilt to give to my sister, thinking she would want to hang it in her bookstore. She does have a quilt spot behind the cash register.

Finally this year I found two big chunks of fabric on sale. They were good options for the book shelves and frame. I have been working on the quilt this week. It has been a lot of fun, but also a lot of putzy work. I managed to finish the main part, and I love it! I decided that I want to keep it, because... I just do. I will definitely let my sister borrow it for extended times, to hang in her shop, but I'll want to get it back.

Here's what I have done so far:

I have more ideas in mind for how to finish it off, more additions that will improve its believability as a bookshelf. I can't wait to see it as a completed quilt!

My sister didn't know I had this in mind for her all these years, so I don't think she'll mind that I will keep it. After all, I'm saving her the problem of storing the quilt when she doesn't want it on display. Aren't I a great sister??


  1. This is gorgeous, Carol! I would want to keep it for myself, too! I think it is very thoughtful of you to keep it for her when she doesn't have it on dislay. I really love the touches of the cameras on the shelves!

  2. You are not only a great sister, but a great designer. I love this idea and I would have a hard time parting with it too if I had made it.

  3. Wow, I LOVE this!! What a neat idea, and beautifully executed. Love the giraffes in there, too. :)

  4. Anonymous3:13 PM

    What an amazing quilt! The details are so fun.

  5. What a great quilt - love the selvedges for the spines of the books, would never of thought of that!

  6. This is fantastic! I would want to keep it too! Yes, your a great sister. May she just needs a mug rug with the leftovers.

  7. Clever, clever! I've forwarded the link to the ALA BiblioQuilters group....and I will regard my bag(s) of cut-off selvedges in a new light.

  8. Oh my! What a wonderful quilt; now I have to go upstairs and look at all the selvedges that I have been saving. We just had a floor to ceiling bookshelf built on one wall of what should have been the dining room; something like this would be perfect!

    Thanks for the inspiration!

  9. This is awesome..what a creative idea!

  10. Thanks, everyone. What nice comments! I did have fun making this one.

  11. I know I couldn't give this quilt up. It's wonderful.

  12. Your bookshelf-quilt is beautiful!

  13. Such a great idea for using selveges. It's a very charming quilt. I can see why you wouldn't want to give it away.

  14. You are so clever and your use of selvages has reached new highs for me. I save selvages and have made several quilts and items from them. However, I love your idea for using those resembling book titles for a book shelf quilt. I may have to copy the idea on a smaller scale for my sewing room. Your added objects on the shelf make it more believable too.

  15. Enhorabuena ¡¡ me encanta tu libreria. Saludos desde Sevilla

  16. this is such a nice idea and I'm going to save the selvages like you did to make my own library quilt.
    I love it.


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