
Friday, July 26, 2013

Friday Books: Two Reviews

A Land More Kind Than Home by Wiley Cash

Glad my book club picked this; I would never have read it otherwise. The title and even the author suggest that it may be a western. It's not... although, in genre sense it fits into the "cowboy" mold. There's a good guy (sheriff), bad guys (zealous pastor and a town drunk), naively-trusting woman, a climactic event, and the fallout.

I liked the format which tells the tale through different characters' viewpoints. The story unfolds in an attention-grabbing way. My favorite character is Jess, an 8 year-old boy.

I was a little disappointed with the end, that is the actual last couple paragraphs at the end. Otherwise, it's a well-done book and a good read.

On the Island by Tracey Garvis Graves

A plane crash results in two people being stranded on an island. It's kind of a "Castaways" story but with two people stranded rather than one.

Recommended by a friend, this was a good, quick read. The story kept my interest and was a page-turner. I liked it overall and found it entertaining and even thought-provoking. Perfect to read on vacation or when you want a story that'll grab you.

The second half grew a little weak, but overall it was entertaining enough that I'll give it 4 out of 5 stars.

1 comment:

  1. We read On The Island in our book club. Other than the fact that the voices of a 30 year old woman and teen age boy were too similar and they wanted for would just conveniently wash up on the shore, it was pretty good. We discussed the bit about the teacher and the student getting chummy. My feeling was that, they had been marooned for a very long time before any of that occurred. They had no hopes of ever leaving so take what comforts you may. What happened on the island, stayed on the island.


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