in which I write about quilts, dreams, everyday life, and almost nothing about giraffes
Thursday, July 04, 2013
A Slab For Alberta
Do you want to help make quilts for people who have suffered devastating floods in Alberta, Canada? All you have to do is pull out your scraps and make a 15.5" slab -- one color-way per slab. Nice, easy way to use up some scraps and to help our neighbors in Canada. Here's one I made:
I have seen pink and blue slabs at other blogs, so I made a yellow one, thinking it would not be as common a color. Here is the information about the collection.
Here are some photos of the flood mess. (Floods are really destructive. I have been to Iowa to help in post-flood clean-up. It's a mess, and it stinks. Oy. Just imagine how appreciated a beautiful quilt will be after experiencing that mess!)
I think I will go make a second slab. They're fun: big, pretty, and very uncomplicated. Just sew rectangles together. The woman collecting the blocks is Cheryl, co-author of Sunday Morning Quilts along with Minnesotan Amanda Jean. The slab block appears in their book.
P.S. Later -- Here is my green slab:
So awesome! Thanks for helping out and they are fun to make!