
Sunday, June 02, 2013

My H2H Quilts

I know, many of you have already seen these. Sorry for the repetition. H2H Challenge is done now, and they want everyone to show what they made. I'm linking up with the H2H folks so we can all see the lovely quilts made by many. Many hands make light work!

made for Happy Chemo.. sent and received at the proper destination

using leftovers from above, this one was made for Quilts Beyond Borders... has already been sent in


  1. Those are both gorgeous, Carol! They're sure to make their new owners very happy. Thanks so much for participating in the challenge this year!!

  2. Both of your quilts are beautiful. Love the colors and fabrics. Quilts made with colorful squares and strips are my go to favorites.

  3. Good for you! TWO quilts! ;)

  4. Wow, love them both!

  5. Love the colors of your quilts. Great work- they are going to make someone very happy!

  6. Awesome quilts. Great job on finishing two gifts of love.

  7. Anonymous12:03 AM

    I don't mind seeing them twice. :-)


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