
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Working Hard to Finish Quilts

I have umpteen UFOs* that I'm trying to finish, WIPs*, and PIG*s... and never enough time. And I'll admit, sometimes when I have time, I don't have the motivation.

Today I sewed all day, but I was with other guild members, and we were working on quilts for Bundles of Love. We had a good time, and we got some BOL work done, which was good. It just didn't happen to contribute to the finishing of my own personal projects. Never enough time.

I did manage to get a binding on this quilt. I'm not thrilled with the binding, but it's done. I probably made a nice, dark green binding for this quilt about three times, then ended up using those bindings on other quilts. By the time it was finally this one's turn, I didn't have an appropriate green. Hopefully the kid who gets this one won't notice that the binding is too light. The quilt itself is cute, don't you think? It was the result of my "Old Timey Challenge" at Sunshine. We shared some fabric, and I think we got about four quilts made. This is the last one from that challenge. It was beautifully quilted by Diane, my finishing angel. (I once said here at my blog that I wished for a finishing angel, and later realized that I have one! Diane graciously offered to quilt a bunch of my charity tops -- for free! She has finished a bunch of them and is in the process of finishing more. She's a life saver.)

This quilt I made for my May "doll quilt" swap partner. The theme was to make something that was not a traditional shape. Guess where my partner lives... did you guess Tennessee?? How clever of you!

I'm hoping to get more sewing done tomorrow and Monday. It's a somewhat cool, on again/off again rainy weekend, so sewing is a good activity, I think. What are you doing with this lovely 4-day weekend? (Happy Memorial Day, USA readers.)

UFOs = UnFinished Object
WIPs = Works In Progress
PIGs = Projects In Grocery bags

1 comment:

  1. The TN quilt is great! I also worked on BOL quilts this is great to see happy familiar faces behind beautiful quilts. I miss you all!


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