
Friday, May 03, 2013

Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday Books

My Spring Break saga continues. On Wednesday I drove up to my mother's town for a short visit. Wednesday was a day to relax at Mom's, chat, knit, and we went to my niece's house for dinner. I had fun trying to get my great-niece and great-nephew to learn some signs (American Sign Language). They were interested in watching me and trying to figure out what I was communicating, but they seemed shy about trying the signs themselves. That surprised me (they are 6 and 9). It's probably because I have not done signs with them before, so it was a surprising, new thing. I should have signed with them from Day One! Why didn't I??

Thursday Mom and I slept in and had a lazy morning, then joined my sister for lunch. As usual, I bought too many books at her lovely bookstore. I just can't resist books!

I accompanied Mom to her cardiologist appointment which was short and sweet. She needs another test, and then the doctor anticipates that she will need an angiogram and stent. He was amazed at how great she looks at age 92. Everyone says that. The clinic's front desk person thought she couldn't possibly be the 2:15 appointment, because that woman is 92, and the woman standing in front of her certainly couldn't be 92! I hope I have my mom's genes!

While I was traveling NW, the poor folks south and east of me were getting dumped on by over a foot of SNOW!! On May 2, some towns had as much as 15-17 inches of snow! It has been a strange year around here. My traveling, with zero snow or even rain, was easy and uneventful (that's nice to say about a long drive).

Friday: time to talk about a book! I read another YA book (I'm on a kid/Young Adult kick lately, sort of by accident). This one is The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. I asked my 7th grade great-niece if she has read it, and she said "no." As I got further into the book, I was glad she has not read it yet. I'm thinking it would be better for senior high and up. There is a fair amount of drugs and sex activity in the story. My review can be found on my Goodreads shelf in my sidebar.

My sister gave me some blocks to put together into a top. The blocks were hand-sewn by male prisoners. I plan to learn more about the program and maybe even participate. At some point when I know more, I will tell you about it. I am eager to make the top and to get more information from the coordinator. I'll work on that today.

And then it's the weekend, and my Arbitrary Spring Break comes to an end. I was too busy doing random, fun things to get any sewing done. I guess that's what Spring Breaks are for.

1 comment:

  1. I do hope you inherited your mom's genes...sounds like a fabulous looking lady!
    I pretty well stick to mystery books, am not as adventurous as you, but do read some different books at times.
    Spring is blooming!


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