
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Julie in Czech Republic

Remember this quilt? I made it for a friend's new granddaughter. I could never be specific, because this friend reads my blog, and the quilt was a surprise gift. Of course, once she reads the customs form that is required on the outside of the box, it is no longer much of a surprise. But the package was unexpected, anyway. Friend's granddaughter is named Julie. They live in Czech Republic.

I sent off the quilt, along with a little doll and doll blankie made from the quilt scraps, and waited for word. I have now received evidence that the quilt has arrived, and Julie has tried it out! Isn't she so cute??

It was expensive to send (wow, international postage rates have gone up a LOT since I last sent anything outside the USA), but it was worth it. I love seeing Julie with the quilt I made for her. I hope she loves it and the cuddles that it provides.

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