
Saturday, February 02, 2013

My February Goal

The Lovely Year of Finishes is asking me to name my February goal. What I hope to accomplish this month is to create four more verb blocks.

I am making these gradually, plus have collected some from friends, to make a quilt commemorating my 60th birthday which was last fall. I am hoping the 60th birthday quilt will be done by my 61st birthday, but that is waaayyyy down the line (7 months from now.. I know the time will fly). For now I am hoping to create four more verb blocks for this to-be-done-later quilt.

Here's an example of one sent to me by Brenda S.:

Click here to see other quilters' February goals.


  1. looks great! Have you ever posted them all together for us to see? and my 50th birthday quilt is still in pieces-- my plan is to get it together for my 52nd birthday!

  2. I'm still going to send you one! I have the fabric picked out and everything :)


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