
Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Loving Life

Things are going really well these days. I'm most-of-the-time happy! Life is good.

As you may recall, I joined Anytime Fitness on January 15. I have actually been going! I get three free sessions with a trainer, and I have completed two of those. Most of the time I'm on the treadmill, but I'm slowly and gingerly branching out, thanks to the ideas I got from the trainer. I still can't remember most of what she taught me, but I'll get there, eventually. I'm not trying to be Body Builder Queen, just to work some of the other muscles besides what I do on the treadmill.

I kept my goals low and realistic (for me), hoping to go three times a week, which I have accomplished so far. Tomorrow I am going to do my first Zumba Gold class (Zumba for old people).

I am feeling really good. After the first two weeks of exercise I noticed a difference in my general well-being. I just feel better. So that makes me happy.

Hubby and I are both happy, sometimes working, sometimes hanging out, getting plenty of sleep, and feeling very little stress. It rocks!

Sewing and reading and doing church stuff fills my other hours, and that's all good, too.

Can't complain about much, so I try not to!

I'm thankful for:
1) fresh, new snow - so pretty
2) feeling great
3) good books
4) my mom, still perky at almost 92
5) making quilts - such fun!


  1. Glad to hear the exercise is working. One does feel a lot better. Hmmm, time to get off my can.

    Nice post, I am glad that the blue bird of happiness is visiting you.

  2. I am going for the Queen of Body Building! It rocks!

  3. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Hey C! Just checking in. I still read your blog, but most of the time it's on my iPad and for some reason I can't comment via that thing. Glad things are going well for you. Way to go on the fitness resolution!

  4. Woohoo! Way to go on the exercise! Glad you're loving life! ;)


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