
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Filling My Hours

My daughter and "son-in-law"

My faux son-in-law asked me what fills my hours, and I'm sure my answer sounded pretty lame. To a non-retired person, it doesn't make sense. But my days sure do fill up, and I'm busy as ever.

Yesterday, for example, I spent the whole morning on the computer doing some church work (emailing, writing articles for church newsletter, etc). Some of that I took on at retirement time, knowing I would finally have time to do it. Then I had to run errands such as mail a package and drop off some things at church, and pick up the donated groceries for the food shelf. Also hit the gym, as I'm trying to do regularly... forcing myself to go.

When I came home I finally had some time to sew, and before you know it, it was dinner time. There went my day.

Today I got up and did some sewing, then went to the gym, and soon it will be time to do my once-a-week tutoring assignment. After that I'm attending a lecture on quilting and attending our guild's quilt show. Another day "shot."

I'm still busy, and the time flies, but it's no longer busy with work duties, with life crammed into the short evening hours. Now I'm busy with things I choose to do such as deliver food to the food shelf, various other church duties, sew, and read, and do my regular life (I still have to do laundry, after all.. that never ends.)

Time is a funny thing. When one is young, there is never enough of it. Now that I'm semi-retired, time works more on my side. I get to finagle it a lot more. And now I'm wondering... when I'm super old, will time weigh heavily on my days? Will I be lonely? I hope not! But there's always that possibility. As long as I can still walk around and can still read books when I'm old, I think my days will be full.

Meanwhile, I'm having fun putting things I want to do into my time. And things I should do, such as go to the gym. I have lost 3 pounds! Seems like a good use of my time, don't you think?


  1. Woohoo!!!! Way to go on the 3lbs! Doesn't it feel good?! ;)

  2. I do absolutely nothing and I am busy. Don't know where all the time goes or how I ever managed to work.

    Are you still working part time?

    Congratulations on the 3 lbs!!!!!

  3. Yes, I still work anywhere from 6 to 10 hours/week.

    3 lbs.. I can't feel much difference except imaginary thinness. I have a long way to go to achieve thin. I really don't even have that as a goal. I just want to be healthier.


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