
Sunday, January 27, 2013

V's Fabric Challenge

I have been wanting to finish this challenge for quite some time. "V" from Bumble Beans sent out swatches of the fabric that I used in the middle of the string blocks, the darker fabric with flowers in it. In desperation I made the string blocks, then set it aside.

Now I'm wanting to work on her next challenge, Tea Towels, but I figured I should finish this one first.

I didn't have a clear idea in mind. I made some "made fabric" squares and thought about setting them on point around the border, like this.

It just didn't do anything for me. I tried it in a few different arrangements, and didn't like any of them.

Finally I gave up on the "made" squares and, again in desperation, went with this setting with flying geese in the corners. I went ahead and put it together and am working on quilting this. I'm still not in love with it, but it's OK. Hopefully someone will like it enough to bid on it. I'm putting it in my quilt show store where we have a small quilt auction. I need to get it done and bound in the next couple of days. Quilt show set-up is next Saturday!

It is approximately 24 inches square.

1 comment:

  1. Oh! It's bigger than I thought! Love the sort of Turkey Tracks look you gave the string blocks. I think it works very well.


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