
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Progress and a Question

Using the "dump and sew" method, I created this quilt using my red scraps. I posted the beginning photo a couple of days ago.

Since then I finished the five rows of red scraps, and I made sashing rows from white scraps. (Well, I'm in the process of doing white scraps... not quite done with them.) While taking photos of my progress, I noticed a different look with the white scraps on top, several inches inside rather than on the sides as borders.

To do this I would have to applique them on top. The blocks underneath are just long rows. They don't have blocks at consistent spaces where I could rip out a row and sew in the white. So... what do you think looks better? White scraps as horizontal rows and as outside borders...

...or white scraps set in, making this different look.. I don't know what to call it... a lattice look?

I'm hesitant to sew the whites on top as I would have to do.. I like them sewn onto the sides. But do I like the look of the "lattice" view enough to applique them in that inner spot? What do you think?

(Please ignore the curvy nature of the white vertical rows.. I would fix that on the final quilt top, plus some of that is from camera distortion.)


  1. Why not sew "yardage" from your white scraps and then cut strips that you can sew them between your red rows? FWIW, I prefer the simpler arrangement of horizontal bars and outer border.

  2. I like the horizontal too. couldn't you slash the red crazy patches and just insert the white crazy strip? or maybe I don't understand what you've done here.

  3. Of the two images I prefer just the horizontal bars. But you might consider slashing the red rows and adding three vertical rows of white/cream ...

    So many possibilities.

  4. I agree with the several of the ladies---I like the horizontal bars. I would also do as suggested and just slash the red and add the border. Since it is only horizontal,you wouldn't have to "match" the sashing. I A border of the white would also tie it all together, although honestly, if you didn't border it would still look really nice. Great quilt! Can't wait to see it completed.

  5. Yes, the horizontal bars.
    But you could even slash them at odd angles and insert the white/cream.
    As has been said, lots of possibilities.

    And I am currently overcome by "too much red" so I may well do my own variation on this idea!

  6. I find the lattice distracting and really like just the horizontal rows. There is already a lot going on in all the great scraps so I don't think more needs to be added! Maybe on the next quilt where you can plan it out ahead :)

  7. I love the red, but think the horizontal bars are really good. But...I do think as suggested that the verticals are needed. You could do them say, three on one side and leave it, not too many though as it would take away from the red.


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