
Wednesday, November 07, 2012


If you read this blog at all, you know I'm a Democrat. Have been a Democrat all my life. Today I am sooo happy! Obama was re-elected, and even our MN House and Senate went Democratic, plus we have a Democratic governor. Maybe we can get some good things done in the next couple of years!

What I am MOST proud of is that Minnesota defeated TWO constitutional amendment proposals: one on defining marriage and one on requiring IDs when voting. I am thrilled that we defeated both of them! I had been pretty sure that the ID amendment would pass, and I was ready to live with it, even though I didn't like it. So I was very pleasantly surprised when it was defeated! I am especially happy and proud that we defeated the proposal to amend our constitution regarding the definition of marriage. This is a wonderful statement we are making to same sex couples. Their marriage is still illegal in Minnesota, but at least it is not written in stone in our constitution. What a relief!

Next step: try to repeal that law making same sex marriage illegal. Too many people are hurt by that law.... including people I know and love.

Here's what I am enjoying so much today: the glow of having voted for winners. My husband and I have not experienced that very often over the years. We did get Obama in 2008, and that was so much fun and a historical event that we loved. But usually we have only one or two positions that we win, and our other votes did no good to elect representatives and others that we wanted. This time, almost ALL our votes went to those who won. Wow, does that ever feel good! Hubby, who is not an overly demonstrative person, was pumping his fist in the air, almost hollering: "My vote worked!!" That was cute to watch.

We stayed up until about 2:00 AM watching the election results, and then woke up at our usual early time, around 7:00 AM, got up to feed the cat and check more election results, then we both managed to get back to sleep.

We are now well-rested and happy. This afterglow feels so good. Let me just bask in this for a while before I start worrying (again) about the future of our country.


  1. I am doing the "Happy Dance" with you as well!!! I thought I heard my joyful yell echo----it was your husband!!! :c)

  2. Don't forget 20 women in the Senate. The entire New Hampshire congressional delegation (admittedly small) are all women.

    I am glad to see the positive results on the amendments. The Pennsylvania Legislature enacted voter ID for us. A judge ruled that it couldn't be used in this election due to insufficient time for people to get their IDs, but the law stands for future elections. It is great that the citizens of Pennsylvania are being protected from a crime that has no record of ever occurring.

    Gay marriage was used to help re-elect Bush in 2004. I look forward to the day when basic human rights can no longer be manipulated for political purpose.


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