
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tuesday: Quilting for Good

I'm linking up to Quilting for Good Tuesdays. You need to go to that site and check out the cool picture of a bunch of quilts laid out in a large church foyer area. Just beautiful!

Here is what I am working on. I had hoped to have something done for today, but alas, I do not.

This will be a raggy quilt for Margaret's Hope Chest. The block pattern is their new group project block. Make these fun blocks and send them in by November 15. I had some flannel on hand and decided to make a whole quilt and raggify it. Check back soon to see the finished quilt.

This one is a "Dump and Sew" quilt.. green scraps bin dumped out and sewn together randomly. I am going to add a border and hope to quilt it soon. It'll be donated somewhere, TBD.


  1. That green dump and sew is AMAZING! And...I'm so glad you gave a plug for Margaret's Hope Chest. I was thinking of doing that myself! You BEAT me to it! Hooray!

  2. I love your quilt for Margret's Hope Chest. I have lots of small pieces of flannel. I look forward to see how you rag this quilt. Both quilts are great gifts of love.

  3. Both your quilts are wonderful. Turned out great using greens for the D&S. Hard to see some of the fabric but looks like some eyes looking back. Fun!


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