
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Raggedy Quilt by Moi

I made this quilt for Margaret's Hope Chest. It's my first made-entirely-by-me raggy quilt. After working on them for MHC in Grand Rapids, MI last month, I decided I could do one on my own. This one is all flannels (except for the little picture square inside each block).I posted this last week, too, before it was assembled and made raggy. The current block pattern says the quilts will go to girls. I figure they'll get plenty of pinks, and there may be a girl out there who prefers blue.

I love how this one turned out! I like the colors, the softness, and the raggy part which some kid will enjoy playing with. I even love the stripey binding. It's a very cuddly quilt.

the back.. I ran out of blue flannel and had to use pink.. so it's a bit "girly" after all

I also made five blocks to send in for the project's general collection. They're due by November 15. I had to make sure I got a giraffe design in one of my blocks!


  1. Anonymous7:38 AM

    I always liked the look and texture of the raggy quilts. Love the yellow ducks. I was having a discussion about them with a blog buddy of mine.

  2. What a cute cute quilt :)


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