
Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday Books: Back in the Groove

I have been in a reading slump for about a month. I'm still plugging away at a non-fiction book called 1491. It's interesting, but long. I'm not feeling compelled to get back to it frequently.

Yesterday I started Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn, and it is grabbing me, and I'm making headway. I'll probably get it done in the next day or two. Watch for my review of Gone Girl next Friday.

How about YOU tell ME some Friday Books information? Answer these questions in the comments, if you want.

1) What are you reading right now?

2) What is your favorite book of all time?

3) Share an early memory of a library/library experience if you can.

Have a good week, and be sure to read something!


  1. We just read Gone Girl at our book club last month it was good. In answer to your questions:

    1. Ha ha! I'll spare you that one. You know where to find out.

    2. Gee, I probably have a favorite 100 or so. I have never been good at deciding favorites. The most influential book to me had an asterisk in the title.

    3. When I was 5 we moved to the eastern suburbs of Pittsburgh. There was no library branch so the BookMobile visited our community. I was terrified of the thing and have no idea why.

  2. I'm reading " the hangmans' daughter" by Oliver Potzsch.

    I think one of my all time favorite reads is "Pillars of the earth" by Ken Follett.

    I don't have any early library memories because I never got to go as a kid but now I just adore being able to order my books on line and go and get them at my neighborhood library......all I want!

    Happy Sewing

  3. A couple of my favorites are Cold Sassy Tree, ...And Ladies of the Club, and Gone With the Wind.

    I remember going to the library with my Grandma and watching her get a huge pile of books every time we went.

    One of the first things I do when I move to a new city is get a library card. Found he library yesterday at the American Women's Club. Felt like Home.

  4. I am reading Winter Sea right now, it is ok, not great. My favorite book of all time is Lonesome Dove. I love that book. I still pick it up and open it to a random place and read it. I remember going to the library as a child with my mother. Later I worked there shelving books.


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