
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Machine Quilting Continues.......

Strike while the iron is hot! I was hot to do some machine quilting, so I've been busy at the sewing machine.

Currently my machine is not functioning at top efficiency, so I am only able to do straight-line, walking-foot quilting. That's OK.. sometimes free motion freaks me out anyway.

I made this top only a few days ago, and it is already completed! That is record time, at least for me. I bought some of the fabric in this quilt on my recent trip to Michigan. We returned from there 4 days ago, and it's already made and done! I'm impressed with myself. If no one else is, that is fine, because I'm patting my own self on the back. *pat, pat, pat* This quilt is going to Wrap Them in Love.

The next quilt is another one going to Rosebud. It has the Rosebud fabric used as backing. The quilt is one of those series of florals I made recently and blogged about here.

And finally, this little orange quiltlet... it is made mostly from scraps given to me. I don't work with orange very often. It makes my mouth pucker, like I'm eating a lemon. This one turned out OK for me not being a big fan of orange. It's funny, I like orange alright, I just don't like to use orange in quilts. This one will be donated through my guild to Bundles of Love.

This last picture is for Karen. Thanks again for the giraffes!

Don't look too carefully at the sloppy quilting lines. I was in a hurry to get this thing done.


  1. Years ago, the teen daughter of a friend picked out all orange for the quilt I offered to make her. It definitely stood out! I have another orange idea, we'll see how it turns out.

  2. Good luck with that orange! I was surprised at how I quickly overdosed on orange. I had to do that quilt in small time segments.


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