
Thursday, August 02, 2012

Babies, Visitors, and Olympics

Yesterday I got to visit my great-niece; she's 8 days old! She is still very newborn-ish.. tiny and so sweet. She pretty much sleeps all the time. Well, apparently not so much at night. Such is the pattern of newborns!

My niece is totally in love with her new baby. It's very cute to see. She keeps cooing at her, and calling her "honey-bear" and saying "isn't she perfect?!"

My sister and nephew have been visiting from another state. We spent a day at the beach, and we did a packing session at Feed My Starving Children. My nephew wanted me to teach him the finger-spelling alphabet, and I was amazed at how quickly he picked it up! Before long we were carrying on conversations, as he was able to spell fairly quickly and even picked up some signs. I hope he pursues it, because he definitely has a gift for it.

I am reading an excellent/awful book. I won't have it done in time to review tomorrow for Friday Books. It takes place in a Mumbai slum, so you get an idea of why I call it awful.

Because of having company and whatnot, I haven't had much time for sewing. I did get the quilt top for my great-niece put together, but it's not going to be quilted 'til my company leaves. For one thing, I need their bedroom to set up my basting table.

the fabric with numbers on it is super-soft minkee

I am enjoying watching some of the Olympics. I like gymnastics, swimming, and diving -- some of track and field as well. Some of it I just find odd, such as water polo and fencing. Also, can anyone tell me why women have to play beach volleyball practically naked??? I just can't imagine that such a tiny outfit is comfortable. It's only comfortable for the males who are watching, I suppose.

Ta-ta for now, my friends. Thanks for visiting.


  1. What a wonderful post. I feel like part of your family. Sweet baby, and the blankee you are making is sweet, too.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. I agree with you and the volleyball players, however I heard an interview and they said that they cannot move properly unless dressed like that. I guess it also must be because they are built as they are. As a more "traditionally built" woman, I would be jiggling and wiggling around...and very, very self-conscious.


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