
Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Quilts on the Move

I feel so accomplished, because I finally have some completed and nearly-completed quilts in my arsenal. Last Sunday afternoon I went to church to use the large tables for basting, and I managed to get a lot done.

This quilt will be sent to Utah for a family whose house burned down in those terrible wildfires. It is kid-friendly, so I hope whoever gets it has some kids in the family. I added the dark borders to make it bigger. It can pretend it's a bed quilt at this size, though it's still on the small size -- but at least it'll cover up a whole person.

I love this fabric that I used for the binding! It makes such a colorful and cheerful binding! I used it on both these quilts.

I also finished this baby size quilt, finally. I think I mentioned it before... I started it two years ago. I could have finished the whole quilt in an afternoon, but here it is, two years later. At least it's done! I plan to send this one to Rosebud Reservation for their layette collections that they give to newborns.

Very soon I hope to show you photos of my other almost-complete quilts -- not 'til they're totally complete, though. I plan to spend the 4th of July sewing, taking naps, and eating root beer floats!

P.S. Julie, the quilt collector for the fire victims, has made some changes and needs LOTS more quilts, so keep on sewing. Read her blog here.


  1. I really like your aqua crumb arrangement. I have some 5 inch crumbs hanging out on my wall right now and I was thinking about how to set them. Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. Love your quilt and the colors. Thanks for the info about Utah fires--I hadn't heard anything about collecting quilts from here--only from your far away vantage point. Blogs keep us united! Thank you.

  3. Anonymous8:44 AM

    I like your plan for the 4th! Mine will be similar only with knitting. Enjoy!

  4. Blue isn't something that I use in quilts but wow, this is lovely and will certainly be loved when they receive it. Very generous of you.

  5. Glad I could inspire someone.. and inform someone else. Recently a friend said "oh, I haven't watched the news lately. I didn't know there were also fires in Utah." I laughed and said, "I got this news from reading a quilt blog." Yes, blogs do unite and inform us.


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