
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Quilting for Good Linky Party

Today I'm linking up with Quilts are for Giving, to share what I've worked on recently in the "giving away quilts" arena.

My local guild has taken on a couple of community projects; one is called Bundles of Love. They provide newborn necessities to families in need, mostly through hospitals. Families get a bundle which includes a blanket or quilt, diapers, diaper bag, newborn clothes and other getting-started necessities, almost all of it hand-made. We did a presentation to Bundles of Love at a recent meeting and expected about 50 quilts, but we actually collected -- TA-DA -- 100 quilts!! We are working with Bundles of Love for one more year, so I better get busy making my share of next year's 100.

This is a top I made from scraps that were given to me.. as I worked on it, I kept getting overdosed on orange. I had to stop looking at it for a while, and come back to it the next day. I managed to get the top made, but I'm still not sure about orange quilts. I hope to get it quilted soon, and maybe it'll come to life then. This will also go to Bundles of Love.


  1. You might not like orange...but I do and someone else will too!!! It's a lovely FUN quilt!

  2. Your quilt is bright, orange happiness. It will be loved by someone.

  3. Of course I love it! Orange or lime green seem to be colors I use a lot! Love how you worked all the blocks into a quilt. Cheers for you!!!

  4. Great use of those scraps! What a lovely cause to be donating to :)

  5. Wow! What fun! My son's favorite color is orange, so of course, I love it too! Very pretty!


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