
Thursday, July 05, 2012

Fireworks and Mosquitoes

Every year we get to watch fireworks from the comfort of our own front yard. The city shoots them from a park that is on the other side of the trees at the end of our road, so we get a great private view without much effort.

I went out to snap a few pictures. It was hot, muggy, and mosquitoes were hungry, so I stayed about five minutes, and that was it.

Yesterday's high was 100 deg F. That is unusual for Minnesota. Same is forecast for today. I don't like baking! But... now that I mention baking, it reminds me that I have been wanting to pull out our solar oven and make dinner for "free." I love doing that! If it turns out delicious and picturesque, I'll share a photo with you tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Cool shots of the fireworks.

    We got up to 98 and the humidity was through the roof.


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