
Saturday, June 02, 2012


I have some sewing to report: much of it unfinished, but I'm having fun and making progress.

I'm ashamed to tell you that I started this quilt two years ago. I could have started and finished this quilt in a day, if I'd put my nose to the grindstone, but I didn't; c'est la vie. I made the top two years ago, quilted it this week. Maybe in another two years I'll get the binding on. It's a layette quilt that I will eventually donate to Rosebud Rez.

This quilt was so much fun! It is made from small "legos" strips that Tammy sent me. I love how it turned out. I used that cute Australian "used car ads" fabric for the strips... I really like that fabric!

Here's a detail, mostly for Tammy to see if she remembers what she sent me. These pieces were all pre-cut. All I had to do was assemble them and decide on a setting. What fun!

These blocks are for Margaret's Hope Chest. Two of them follow the rule, and two of them stretch the rule. What can I say? I'm a rule breaker.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice, for damned quilts. The strips are interesting. Good luck with getting them all completed.


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