Check out this photo. It is what remains of the home of a city planner in Utah. He and his wife were out helping other evacuees, and they were not able to retrieve a single thing from their home. They have only the clothes on their back.
Julie of "Having Fun Quilting" Blog is collecting quilts to give to people such as this family who have lost everything. As of this writing, 29 families had lost their homes. If you want to help, check out her blog, here, and leave a message. Julie herself may be evacuated, so she might not be on her computer for a while. Let me know if you want her address. I'll give you another way to find it (or check for desertsky quilts in Julie's messages, and e-mail her for the address).
I have an unquilted top or two that I'll try to finish and will send along. Don't you have something extra, too? She says she'll take blocks, tops, and finished quilts.
Quilters are some of the most generous people I know! Thanks for your help and/or your prayers!
Thank you so much for writing about Operation Wood Hollow on your blog! I appreciate your help in spreading the word! :)