
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Lucky Find: A Quilt Show!

While we were on vacation in South Dakota, I happened to see a notice about a quilt show that opened in Rapid City on the very day we were to drive through that city. It was the Black Hills Quilt Guild show at the Rapid City Civic Center. Husband encouraged me to go! He's a keeper!

While I walked through the quilt show, Hubby walked around the park outside. Our timing was perfect, both ending at about the same time. Wasn't it great that I got to include some quilt gazing while on vacation?? Here are some photos -- enjoy!

made by Julie Lingscheit

made by Joyce Ketterling

made by Elaine Anderson

made by Pat Kehoe

made by Julie Lingscheit

story about next two photos

made by Lois Massa

made by Rebecca Smith

made by Carol Posthumus

made by Jean Stenberg

made by Lynn Sudbeck

made by Bobbie Christenson

made by Martha Kistler

made by Rebecca Smith

made by Joyce McClanahan... I was going to vote for this one for Viewers' Choice, but I forgot to fill out my ballot. I even came home with their pencil, which they had asked us to return. Oops.

Hope you enjoyed this lovely quilt show. In addition to these on display, I bought two quilts. Both of these quilts have such cute backing fabrics, I'm showing you those pictures, too. I will donate both of these quilts. The sales support the charity work the Black Hills Quilt Guild does. These are my purchases:

I plan to donate this to Margarets's Hope Chest

This one has already been donated to Bundles of Love.


  1. What a lucky find! Thanks for sharing this, quilt shows are such a great opportunity to see the incredible variety of styles and techniques out there. I love the stained-glass window one.

  2. I live sound of the Black HIlls and we (Panhandle Quilt Guild) consider this show to be one of the best! I usually miss it but am so happy to see your photos. Thanks a bunch!

  3. Damned quilts, but wow, some of these are really cool. I particularly like the one that looks like a church window.


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