
Saturday, May 05, 2012

Relaxing Road Trip

I went to see my mom and made a fun road trip out of it. Along the way, cloud formations were just beautiful. For a while the clouds were very low and stretched across the horizon. So pretty! I felt like I was driving in eastern Montana, approaching snow-covered mountains in the distance. I was driving on a freeway, so there was no good place to stop and take pictures. I missed some of the good shots, but stole a few while driving (not recommended).

I stopped in a couple of towns to visit their quilt shops, and also took time to look around the towns, something I had not done before. I found this lovely lake with the quaint name of Middle Spunk Lake. There is also a rest area near there called Middle Spunk Creek Rest Area.

Here's the quilt shop in that town: my favorite in the whole state of Minnesota.

While visiting with Mom, she began talking about all the little towns she lived in while growing up, and what the housing was like. Many of them did not even have running water. They had an outhouse and a pump in the yard. She did not have the luxury of a full bathroom until she went to college! And my grandparents never had a full bathroom until they retired.

My sister took us to see this beautiful, new senior citizen housing in the town. The entrance feels like a grand hotel, and they have these quiet and pretty places to sit.

Mom and Sister and I enjoyed a nice lunch in a restaurant and took our time, chatting and not rushing off to anything urgent on our calendars. It was great fun.

I captured this almost-full moon at dusk. At the end of my stay, I returned home in the rain. No more snapping photos while I drove! Not in the pouring rain! I'm not THAT crazy!


  1. Lovely trip and photos. Road trips can be very relaxing and soothing to the Soul if the traffic is not too heavy and you are not driving in urban areas.

    Were you taking a photo of your favorite quilt shop or the cute dude on the trike?

  2. What a great post to read and see the pictures. Makes me want to take a road trip. So glad you had a great visit with your mom and sister.

  3. This is good to hear...I am not the only one who sees mountains in the distant clouds! I will kick myself if I passed by this shop and didn't even know it (on our trip north)!


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