
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Quilts for Happy Chemo!

I joined a challenge in which we were to make a quilt(s) for our choice of two different projects.... Hands 2 Help Charity Quilt Challenge. I decided to make two quilts for Happy Chemo. A woman named Emily has a goal of donating 1500 quilts to Happy Chemo.. the quilts go to cancer patients undergoing chemo treatments. She is currently at about 400 quilts, so every little bit will help her reach her goal.

I made two quilts. This first one I made to appeal to adults, maybe a male. It's about 40" x 60" so a good lap quilt to help keep him or her warm while getting his treatment. I got the blocks at a garage-sale type event at my guild. They weren't all the same size, exactly, so this tilted setting worked well for them. I quilted it myself on my domestic machine, and I had such fun quilting it! I'm not very confident with my machine quilting skills, but this one went pretty smoothly and helped boost my confidlence!

The back is a nice green flannel, which will add to the warmth factor.

I even made a label!

My second quilt is also going to Happy Chemo and is for a child. It is also about 40" x 60". This is also one that I quilted. I did simple X design using the walking foot on this one.

The backing fabric depicts one of my favorite animals: giraffe!

Now I must make a confession. You may have seen this quilt before. I did make it fairly recently, but thought it would be headed to another charity (kids undergoing cleft palate surgery). When I didn't finish the one I orginally made for the H2H challenge, I decided to switch them... because I still have a few finished ones here waiting to be mailed, I thought, why not just finish the H2H one for the cleft palate kids, and switch them out. So that's what I did. Now I can get the Happy Chemo package sent out on time. *whew!*


  1. Both of your quilts are beautiful! I am also a lover of giraffes, so especially fond of the backing fabric on quilt #2. Congrats on finishing two for the H2H challenge!

  2. Both your quilts are awesome. These will be loved and treasured.

  3. Nice job on both! Very clever to use the tilted setting for the different sized blocks.

  4. Love the wobbly blocks... I made a paper pieced I Spy (UFO) using that idea. And your child quilt is cute, too.
    I signed up as a follower to see what else is here, and see the next projects.

  5. Wow! what a super way to use up your blocks. Tilting them was an awesome idea! Both quilts look great and I'm sure some person will find comfort with them!

  6. These are both such wonderful quilts, Carol! Thanks so much for participating in Hands2Help this year!!

  7. Both the quilts are wonderful. Two people will be very happy to receive these.

  8. I love the way you make the settings of blocks so original. The quilt will be welcomed by a man and great that you thought about that in your donation. Both make wonderful quilts. Hugs across the miles!

  9. Love the way you used the block setting - makes for a delightful quilt. And the children's quilt is very cute!

  10. Those are some beautiful quilt. Certainly they will bring joy to those receiving them.

  11. I love how our quilts turned out. Both are lovely and will brighten someone's day.


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