
Friday, March 02, 2012

Friday Books: Middlesex

Isn't she a cutie?? She was recently born to a co-worker. I think she is smiling because of all the great books her mommy reads to her.

The book I am currently reading is Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides. I'm not very far into it, so I can't say much other than I love the writing!! If I didn't have umpteen things to distract me, I would sit down and read non-stop and make fast headway through this book. I can tell you more about it next Friday.

So, should I fill this space with other random thoughts? I say Yes. And what I say goes, since it's my blog.

* I am having fun with my new computer. I still have many things to learn about it. I love having a computer that moves around. I have watched a couple movies while sewing... haha! What that really means is, I start sewing, turn on a movie, and do no more sewing until the movie is done.

* Mom's 91st birthday is next Monday. I can't even go see her at birthday time because of such a busy month for me... lots of meetings and "stuff" that is filling up my days (with too much to do).

* Last night my church put together 240 sandwiches. Today I delivered them to a homeless shelter. The sandwiches smelled good in my car, and I hope they will be appreciated by the recipients. We tried to make them healthy (whole wheat bread, for example).

* I am looking forward to summer. I have a couple of FUN ideas in mind... things we've never done before.

That's all, folks! Enjoy a lovely weekend, wherever you may be.

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