
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Lifes Ups and Downs

I don't have my new laptop yet. It'll probably arrive tomorrow. I am frustrated in my attempts to upload pictures when I'm not on my own computer. I thought I could upload a photo of Janice, but it isn't working.

Janice is a woman I knew at church. She died this week, and her funeral is tomorrow. She was beautiful, kind and classy and had a gorgeous singing voice. She and her husband both loved to sing; they used to sing duets together, and it was always so touching to listen to them make beautiful music together. He is devastated. She died of brain cancer. I wanted to show you a picture of her when she was healthy and vibrant, but it's too hard on this foreign computer.

Speaking of photos, about ten days ago I posted news of a block challenge, and I told you about the link and the contest that would happen on Feb. 8th. Then I promptly forgot all about it. I did not get in on the linky fun, because I forgot. And now I can't even upload my picture. If I don't forget, I'll try to get it uploaded in the next few days, along with pictures of other things I've been doing since my computer died.

I finally finished reading We Need to Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver. What a book! I went through quite a journey while reading this interesting story. At first I strongly disliked the mother character. With time I disliked her less. By the end, I actually liked her. The story is a fascinating psychological look at what makes a person evil. It never answers the question of whether a person is born that way or is a person made that way due to his/her environment. It's a huge question to ponder. The story gets pretty gruesome as it leads up to the mass murder Kevin commits in a school (no, I'm not ruining any secrets - this is known throughout the whole book). I am wondering if I even want to see the movie, coming out soon. Could be a very upsetting experience. Even though it took me quite a while to read this book, and at first I wasn't even sure I liked it, I give it 4 out of 5 stars, because it was so well told, and I got wrapped up in the Big Questions as the story unfolds. That's a well-written book, in my opinion. I love when I can feel my own growth or change as a story develops.

Feeling a little blue and unsettled due to the loss of Janice and some other stuff that I'm just not feeling comfortable with (within myself). Looking forward to some happier days.


  1. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Dear C: Sorry to read that you are feeling blue. I wish you brighter days p inside and out.

  2. Sorry to hear about the passing of your friend especially under her circumstances. I think when a dear friend or loved one departs, it makes us more vulnerable to the other monsters that lurk within our minds. This time of year is not a happy time for many.

    Hopefully March will soon be upon us and the warmer days and coming spring will warm and lighten your Soul.


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