
Friday, February 10, 2012

Friday Books: I'm Out of the Loop

First.. I'm out of the loop, because my computer died, and it will be a few days before we figure out what to do about it. It's so super old that it needs to be replaced; fixing no longer makes sense. I'm excited to get something new, but it's a hassle trying to figure out exactly what. This time I intend to go with a lap top, though.. not a desktop. If I'm sporadic about appearing at my blog, it's because we're trying to catch up to stuff from the old and getting me settled at the new.

Second, as for books, I'm still reading We Need to Talk About Kevin. I'm about 60% through. At first I really disliked the mother character. I dislike her less now, but she's still not my favorite person. I find myself feeling squirmy because I can actually relate with some of the things she says about being a mother. It's the hardest job on earth. I guess I can just thank my lucky stars that my kids turned out great and are both fine adults. Sometimes it feels like it was in spite of me, not because of.

I hope to finish the book this weekend. Should be an interesting movie (coming out soon). Kinda creepy, though. I'm curious to see how they do it as a movie.


  1. Well, one thing's for sure, we will all be here and catch up with you when you return. (Loved the pictures from yesterday, by the way.)

    I hope you have fun with your new laptop. I have a wonderful iMac desktop, but I WISH I had a laptop so that I could spend more time writing. When I got it, I still had this idea that my back would not continue on the downward spiral. Ah, well.


    Anyway, enjoy.

  2. Terrible about your computer. I saw that you commented on my blog. When I tried to respond it said no reply blogger. Thanks for the comment.

  3. Good luck with your new computer. I don't envy you having to choose...too much choice!

    I doubt very much that your kids turned out good in spite of you...I rather imagine that you were an excellent mother. Don't BS a BSer Carol, I have read too many of your posts, your humanity in an inspiration to me. And you make really good I care about that.


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