
Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Quilt = Love

I have been sewing like mad! What fun! My tendency to bounce between projects means it's hard to get things done and show you pictures of completed quilts. But I have been having fun, and I trust that everything will eventually get done. (I may be 100 years old, but I'll get'em done by hook or by crook.)

Here is one (above) that I made recently and decided to send to Margaret's Hope Chest (MHC). One of the projects MHC does is quilts for kids whose parent is in prison. I like helping out with that project; I hope a quilt is helpful to the child (and the parent) in some way. Maybe it makes them feel loved or appreciated. I don't know about you, but I feel like the prison system in this country is really messed up. I hope my quilt will, in some tiny way, make someone's life a tiny bit better at least briefly... it's better than doing nothing, I guess. (Some problems are so big, I feel they are too huge to tackle. But giving away a quilt? I can do that and am happy to do it.)

This quilt top is also on its way to Margaret's Hope Chest. It was made and donated by someone in my local guild. She was not happy with it and wanted it out of her house! I gladly took it, and I think it is very cute. It's flannel, so it'll be really snuggly. I just know some child will love this one.

This is a quilt top I made and sent to MHC several months ago. MHC got it quilted, and it was given to a child..... isn't helping someone you will never know a great thing? I make the quilts with love, give them away, and I hope the quilts are loved, but I can't dictate that. I just enjoy knowing that at least someone is warm because of something I did. If they cuddle and love it, that's an extra bonus. The quilt can be a symbol of someone, somewhere, loving them. What could be better?


  1. You are so kind. I like the idea of quilts for kids whose parent is in prison.

    Love the last photo.

  2. Carol, God will multiply your gift many times.

  3. I've been MIA lately doing my own stuff and haven't checked in on your blog. Great stuff going on here. I too, feel like the prison system sucks! It just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Listened to a very interesting show today on that very subject on NPR! Oh, when will we catch on that imprisoning isn't always the answer! Good on you to send to Margaret's Hope. Lovely finishes.

  4. Anonymous10:34 PM

    C: Know what I notices when I was looking at the pix? The very center of the flannel quilt has three diamond shapes that reminded me of the table runner you recently made for your bazaar. You posted about it on Sunday Oct 23. The diamonds in your table runner overlapped and had those two cute corners on the end, but hey, I noticed a slight resemblance in the center of that quilt - the red diamonds.
    Whoever gets your donatios will sunggle up and love 'em!


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