
Thursday, October 13, 2011

A Challenge, But Not For Me

pile of quilts for a housing program in NYC - I made the one with green binding

This week my quilt guild did the Big Reveal of the latest challenge: the LOL Challenge. You probably think that means Laugh Out Loud, but you are wrong. This one means Love Our Library Challenge. The participants had to use a book from our guild library, and make something from another person's fabric. At the end it goes back to the original owner of the fabric.

It was a great challenge for these reasons:
* they had to use a book that was assigned to them.. maybe not one they would normally be interested in
* they had to use another person's fabric.. maybe in a colorway they didn't like
* they had to try to make it beautiful, because it would turn into a gift to the fabric owner
* THEY ALL TURNED OUT FABULOUS! They were so pretty and cleverly done. (BTW, I did not participate in this challenge.)

Wouldn't you love to see a picture of them?

I sure would!

I didn't take along my camera. No pictures. Sorry. To be honest, I wanted to take my camera along, knowing the Big Reveal was that night. But, I have resigned as historian (now called photographer) of the guild. I have been kind of oozing back into the role, but don't want to be counted on for photos. I resigned, after all. So I purposely left my camera at home.... hoping they'll eventually believe me, and someone else will step into our vacant role as photographer for our guild.

Hey, on another note, I think complaining works! I complained about hot weather, and then it went from hot to cold. I was doing a sub job today, and we took the school kids outside for lunch. It was breezy and cold!!! Brr! But I am happy. I'd rather be a little cool than to be hot and sweaty.

A busy few days coming up.. some fun stuff and then helping our son move away (boo hoo). I might be absent from my blog for a few days. Try not to cry too hard.


  1. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Very fun challenge! A knitting group I was in did something similar - minus the books. We took brown paper bags to a meeting. Inside the bag was enough yarn for a scarf. We picked bags without being able to see the yarn and then had a month to knit a scarf to give back to the owner of the yarn. They were fun to see! 'll bet the quilts were too! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Wonderful projects. i make fingerless gloves that I have donated to a women's shelter. they are cheery and much loved.
    I think the scarf is a great idea too. Although I make fleece scarves with left overs.
    Now you must take photos for just us.
    By the way Carol, did I tell you that I so love your header...such a quiet peaceful photo of your beloved giraffes.

  3. Interesting. Did many of the guild members take part? We did something similar in our guild but I thought it was a little intimidating to sew something for an accomplished quilter even though she is just a sweetheart. I guess that's what a challenge is, though, isn't it? Makes you stretch your imagination and your quilting prowess. Bet yours would have been wonderful if you participated!!!

  4. Love the challenge idea. I've been meaning to tell you how enamoured I am with you new(er) giraffe picture. I love the juxtaposition of the two long-necked animals sitting beside each other. One is a bird and one is a mammal but their coloring is similar. Do you think this picture was taken at a zoo or animal park? Surely not in the wild?


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