
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Summer Sewing and a Birthday

I'm finally enjoying a carefree summer without job obligations and schedules that send my mind reeling. So I have enjoyed hanging out at the sewing machine. I have had fun making blocks in the last couple of days. Some have specific destinations. Others are kind of "speculation" blocks that will find a home eventually.

Today is my husband's birthday. We had such a nice, quiet evening of conversation and some ice cream. Sometimes the simplest celebration is the most fun. I'm happy and so lucky.

If summer could go on like this for a while longer, I'd be quite satisfied.


  1. i love the blocks with the giraffe & crock!

  2. Happy belated birthday to Peter. Gordon's is the same day and I think if it weren't for his sister who called and arranged for us all to get together, it would have passed a little too quietly (i.e. maybe missed - oops).

  3. Gotta love those giraffes! But purple and yellow is still my favorite color combo. Those are nice blocks.


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