
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Random Thoughts

1) On my last tank of gas I got 40 mpg.

2) Our son moved back home today; his plan is to stay here for one month.

3) We stayed at a cabin in Wisconsin for one overnight. The sunset was gorgeous.

4) I hate cleaning refrigerators.

5) Our son taught us an easy, yummy vegan recipe. It's my new fall-back plan when I don't know what else to make for dinner.

6) I am enjoying the book I'm currently reading.

7) I have not sat down at my sewing machine in several days.

8) Welcome back home, Scotchie!

9) I won a prize at a recent Book Shop Hop!

10) I will always love my ex-DIL.

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you often and sending hugs to you and your family. I'd LOVE that vegan recipe! Will you post? :-)


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