
Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Depressed But Happy

Huh? Does that title make any sense?? I visited Walk a Mile blog; she asked readers to describe our current life in three words. "Depressed but Happy" is what popped into my mind. Yes, I have been a tad depressed lately, moreso than usual. But today I'm feeling happy. I still have a couple things in the far, back reaches of my mind that are sad thoughts. But I had a good day, so I'm counting my blessings.

Anyway, let's see... I'll share a couple recent photos, and then I'm going to bed.

I bought this skein of stripey yarn today and started knitting more baby booties. I like how they are coming out differently-striped. I am going to keep making them, and in the end, I'll see if I can match up any two booties, or if all the pairs will be stripey in a mis-matched fashion. I like 'em either way. (Hubby reminds me that Monk would need them to match perfectly. I don't think Monk just had a baby, so I'm not worried.)

I got a couple of fireworks photos this year from the end of our driveway, but nothing that was very impressive. The bright colors didn't show up like I had hoped.

Nighty-night! Sleep tight!


  1. LOL, I don't think Monk just had a baby either! Too funny.

    Those are my favorite kind of fireworks, the showery kind.

    Your honest first response of Depressed but Happy is the truth of the moment! Glad you're keeping busy and crafty.

  2. I get what you mean when you say "depressed but happy". I have been so busy lately with guests and other things. I am happy but I miss my mother and I miss my daughter being so far away.

  3. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Your fireworks photos look like mine - eventhough I'm sure our's were from a differnt place. Love the stripey booties. I'm more of a Monk-type, but there's a time and place to let the yarn speak for itself. They are cute! Sorry about your sadness. Hang in there!


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