
Saturday, June 25, 2011

MN Quilt Show Photos, 2

Round 2 of 2011 MQ Show... enjoy!

made and beautifully quilted by a friend of BrendLou's (Madge?)

patterned after the photo in the bottom right corner

You have seen this quilt before! It was made by a woman in my guild, and it hung in our local guild show in February of this year. I am posting it again, because it was fun to see a lot of people gazing upon it.

these last quilts are by the Quilter of the Year, Marcia Stevens

this one celebrates her trip to New Zealand


  1. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Oh my goodniess! More great quilts and more great photos that show off the colors of the crafters. Fun to have a peek!

  2. The intensity and devotion to the craft in all these amazing examples of needlework is stunning! Thanks for sharing part 1 and part 2.

  3. The quilt made by my friend was Jill Schumacher and she was a machine quilting teacher at the show (she teaches often at my shop, Redwood Sewing Center in Eureka, CA.

  4. oops, the above comment was made by me, BrendaLou


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